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My marching band instructor always said that too!

fallonthecity's avatar
wrote on February 15 2010 @ 12:07 pm: [report]

Oh this drives me nuts. But in my experience, at least, it’s not just a guy thing. I run a little late more often that I would like, so I get it—and I don’t usually mind when people are 5 or 10 minutes late. But when they are a half hour, 45 minutes late? Why in the world couldn’t they call or text and let me know they’ll be late, so I can go window shopping or something instead of spending the whole time sitting at some stupid cafe table, apologizing to an increasingly irritable waiter who has just brought me my 5th glass of ice water? Ugh.

QT-Sneezy's avatar
wrote on February 15 2010 @ 12:09 pm: [report]

I don’t see the big deal with a bit of tardiness.
My general rule is +/-15minutes for anything non-professional related. That way, friends and family are not disappointed or held up to an imaginary (time) standard.

My gf is VERY surprised when i’m in time (ie 5minutes or less before our said appointment) - but that happens too.

Professionally, I adhere to the 15 min early rule or I best be dead: Docs will make you wait, but don’t you dare keep them waiting. I get that much but those #&@$% get me paid so I play their game.